The health and well-being of our staff and patients’ is of the upmost importance to us. We are registered as COVID-Safe and as such we ask that should you be attending an appointment with us that you adhere to current COVID-Safe protocols. If you have or are experiencing symptoms of cold and flu, are awaiting a COVID test result or are a close contact of a COVID case, please call our clinic directly for appointment bookings and rescheduling. We offer Telehealth consultations at half the scheduled fee. In the event that you have COVID, we are currently adhering to advice from the Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention and advising people to wait to book a consultation with us for 10 days after being diagnosed with COVID due to timeframes for infection and transmission.

We are forever mindful of the current situation regarding the global pandemic, and continue to be abreast of the regular updates regarding this situation. Informed by current Federal and State Governments and by our professional body, The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA), we continue to operate as an essential service provider. We are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 at The Edge Physiotherapy. Our infection control measures include hand hygiene, bed linen changes and sanitising, disinfecting of surfaces, use of masks and goggles for therapists, and masks for patients. Social distancing in the practice of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy is a challenge given the practice of manual therapy. As such, our infection control standards are of the highest level, and we adhere to social distancing as able. The one person per four square metre rule is adhered to in our clinic.

For further information regarding the current situation follow the link below to the NSW government website.