the edge physiotherapy

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Cervicogenic headaches, what the?

A persistant headache that just won’t resolve. Sound familiar? We all get headaches, and in fact there are many types of headaches, and for fun, we can experience more than one type of headache at any one time. The most common types of headaches we see in our clinic include tension headaches (usually present as pain at the forehead), cluster headaches, migraines (variable presentations), and cervicogenic headaches (usually pain under the back of the head or one sided).

Cervicogenic headaches can often be misdiagnosed as it can present with other symptoms that include one sided arm pain or shoulder pain and a stiff neck. It can also be accompanied by vertigo/dizziness and just feeling rubbish. It is a type of headache that is secondary to issues with the upper neck region around C1-3, the ‘headache zone’. Seen in more the 30 - 44 year old age range, affecting men and women equally, it is irritated by neck movements and prolonged posturing like sitting in front of the laptop or iPhone for too long (so many of us at the moment).

Good news is that cervicogenic headaches respond very well to a short period of regular manual therapy followed up with some stability exercises. So, the message is, don’t put up with that headache anymore, forget the pain killers, forget that you just have to put up with feeling unwell. Take ownership of your well being and self care, and let us be there for you.

All the best
